Estrogen and Hair Loss: What is the Connection?

Daniel Burlington
9 min readMar 2, 2022


Estrogen and hair loss are connected — and on this page we look at how too little (or too much) of this female hormone can have a significant impact on the growth of your hair.

Estrogen Explained

Estrogen (known as oestrogen in some parts of the world) isn’t just a single hormone — it’s actually a group of female sex hormones.

The group includes estradiol (the type we have most of in our bodies and the one most often given in supplementary form), estriol (most abundant during pregnancy) and estrone (the type we produce during menopause).

Estrogen is made in the ovaries and to a lesser extent in other tissues of the body. Whilst women have the most, men have some estrogen too.

Also, make sure you take the free hair quiz further down in this article.

Estrogen is responsible for giving us our ‘feminine’ characteristics, essentially doing the opposite of the male hormone testosterone and blocking its effects (because the female body DOES contain some testosterone).

The Role of Estrogen


  • Reduces bodily hair
  • Promotes the growth of the hair on your head
  • Controls your height (explaining why men are usually taller than women)
  • Reduces the mass of your muscles
  • Promotes the growth of breasts and gives you your ‘womanly curves’
  • Helps regulate your menstrual cycle
  • Keeps your skin smooth
  • Keeps wrinkles at bay
  • Keeps the vagina moist and promotes libido
  • Helps keep depression at bay and contributes to a positive outlook
  • Helps prevent fatigue

Clearly, estrogen (or oestrogen) is important to our over all well-being… and our hair — that ‘barometer of health’ — can be one of the first areas affected when something upsets the hormonal balance in our bodies.

Source: Dr Claudia Aguirre

Estrogen and Hair Loss — Just HOW are They Connected?

Our hair grows in stages…

  • The ‘growing’ stage (called the anagen phase), lasting for several years
  • The ‘resting’ stage (called the catagen phase), lasting for a few weeks
  • The ‘shedding’ stage (called the telogen phase), lasting for a few months

Source: Dr Maryellen Smith

There is evidence that estrogen actually slows the rate of growth, extending the growth phase so more hair is at this stage at any moment in time.

This is why women’s hair is more abundant than men’s.

Remember, too, that estrogen works in opposition to the testosterone in the female body, preventing the hair loss that testosterone can cause.

What’s more, studies suggest that estrogen doesn’t JUST protect against hair loss, but actually stimulates new hair growth.

The relationship between estrogen and hair loss is particularly noticeable during pregnancy, when the higher concentrations give women hair that’s thicker, healthier and more plentiful than usual.

This ‘extra’ hair, however, tends to fall out within several months of giving birth.

Low Estrogen and Hair Loss

Whilst elevated estrogen levels during pregnancy encourage hair growth, decreased estrogen levels in the body may contribute to hair loss.

This is most noticeable during menopause, when estrogen levels tend to drop and the hair follicles fall under the influence of the male hormone testosterone, shortening the growth phase.

The subsequent hair loss is usually gradual, but noticeable.

Hair loss caused by fluctuating estrogen levels tends to be ‘diffuse’ (all over the scalp), or may cause a wider part. It does not tend to cause ‘patchy’ hair loss or baldness.

You may also notice hair loss if you’re taking supplementary estrogen, then stop.

Case in point are women who come off birth control, only to find that their hair begins to shed at a rapid rate. This tends to be temporary, however, and usually corrects itself when the body rediscovers its hormonal balance.

The link between estrogen and hair loss can also be seen in women treated for cancer, when the ovarian function is destroyed, or in menopausal women whose ovaries are removed.

In either case, the body’s estrogen levels will drop significantly (remember — the ovaries are the main ‘producers’ of estrogen).

If no supplemental hormones are offered, the menopause-like symptoms such as hot flashes, skin thinning and hair loss will result.

And — as we mentioned earlier — the sudden drop in estrogen levels following pregnancy can trigger hair loss, although its usually the excess hair that was gained in pregnancy that’s falling out, and the hair isn’t actually any thinner than it was in pre-pregnancy days.

Source: Belgravia Centre

Solutions for Low Estrogen and Hair Loss

If your doctor suspects that your hair loss is caused by a lack of estrogen then (s)he may offer you supplementary estrogen — known as Hormone Replacement Therapy — either taken orally or applied topically (to the skin) as a gel or patch.

Some women are given the birth control pill to boost their estrogen levels.

That being said, estrogen supplementation is still somewhat controversial, with some sources pointing out that there are no controlled medical studies supporting its effectiveness, whilst others stating that…

“… estrogen deficiency as a cause of hair loss has not found its way into medical textbooks, but this does not stop it from happening.”

Some women report seeing a big improvement in their hair loss once their estrogen levels are supplemented, others not so much.

But it’s worth bearing in mind that different people react in different ways to supplementation based on all sorts of factors.

It’s best not to decide upon YOUR plan of action by comparing yourself to others — rather, we recommend discussing the situation with your doctor or — even better — endocrinologist.

We also recommend ensuring that it really IS low estrogen that’s causing your hair loss.

Later in this article we’ll look at other ways in which estrogen and hair loss are connected… ways that may explain why supplementary estrogen doesn’t work for everyone and may even make hair loss worse.

Source: WebMD

Natural Ways to Boost Estrogen

Certain foods are considered to be good sources of phytoestrogens — these are berries, seeds (flaxseeds in particular), grains, nuts, legumes, fruits and — above all — soy beans and soy products.

However, there are some concerns over a diet high in soy and this research article looks at the pros and cons of phytoestrogens, pointing out that they may have just as many harmful side effects and synthetic estrogens (more on those later in this article), yet are perceived to be somehow ‘better’ for us.

In particular, the research notes that soy may have unwanted effects on the developing child during pregnancy, so it’s certainly not advisable to increase soy consumption if you’re pregnant.

Our advice would be to maintain a HEALTHY diet and to try to eliminate as much stress from your life as possible (easier said than done, we know!).

But too much stress can really cause estrogen levels to drop — as can smoking. Quitting smoking can boost those estrogen levels AND improve your over all well-being.

Source: UPMC

Is Low Estrogen REALLY the Problem?

Looking at the Relationship Between Progesterone, Estrogen and Hair Loss

Some doctors may automatically assume that it’s LOW estrogen that’s causing your hair loss, particularly if you’re going through menopause.

Other experts, however, dispute this, pointing to an IMBALANCE of hormones as the possible cause of your thinning hair.

Our bodies produce both estrogen and progesterone during our childbearing years and these hormones work most effectively when balanced.

Progesterone plays a variety of roles in the human body and helps…

  • reduce water retention
  • keep depression at bay
  • use fat to produce energy
  • maintain libido
  • improve mental function

As we begin to approach menopause, the amount of progesterone we produce starts to drop, until it stops altogether AFTER menopause.

Estrogen drops too, but it’s available from other sources AND our bodies continue making it to some extent outside the ovaries.

But very little progesterone is available from other sources and once our ovaries stop producing it, the balance between the estrogen and progesterone in our bodies becomes ‘upset’.

Hair loss — plus a whole host of other typically menopausal symptoms — can be the result.

By assuming that your problem is caused by low estrogen — and attempting to boost levels by supplementing with EXTRA estrogen — you can find your hair loss problem gets even worse.

The imbalance between the estrogen and progesterone in your body would simply increase.

It’s vitally important, therefore, to have your hormone levels tested to ensure that your hormones are balanced and that you don’t have too MUCH estrogen in relation to progesterone… a situation known as estrogen dominance.

Too MUCH Estrogen and Hair Loss — Estrogen Dominance

Just HOW do our hormones get so ‘out of kilter’ during menopause?

As described above, our progesterone and estrogen levels do not drop in ‘harmony’ — the progesterone levels drop faster and this leaves us with estrogen dominance.

And the reason that our estrogen levels do not drop as much is that they are available environmentally as well as in other tissues of our bodies besides our ovaries.

Of course, the ovaries are the primary source of estrogen prior to menopause, but AFTER menopause the fatty tissues of the body continue to produce estrogen.

What’s more, phytoestrogens are obtained from plants (as discussed earlier) and xenoestrogens are obtained environmentally, from all sorts of products from plastics to nail polish, and also from pesticides, dairy products and hormonally supplemented red meat and chicken.

In fact, some sources suggest that there is so MUCH estrogen available environmentally that it’s rare for estrogen deficiency to be responsible for menopausal symptoms like hair loss — it’s far more likely for estrogen dominance to be the cause instead.

A full Hormone Panel test will look at all your hormonal levels and is a good way to establish if estrogen dominance is contributing to YOUR hair loss.

Ask Dr Anna
Estrogen and Hair Loss — Dr Lam

How to Avoid Estrogen Dominance

  • Of course, the most important thing is to ensure that you are properly tested to verify just what is causing your hair loss — if you are unnecessarily supplemented with estrogen, then any imbalance will increase.
  • Avoid environmental estrogen. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, avoid over-consumption of soy products and look for meat and dairy products from animals that have NOT been treated with hormones.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight — extra estrogen is produced in fat cells.
  • Keep your gut healthy with a good diet — we like to include probiotics (from natural live yogurt) to replenish helpful gut bacteria. If your intestinal health is under par, excess estrogen can actually be re-absorbed into the digestive tract
    (source: Dr Kaslow)
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates (like white bread, white rice and white pasta).
  • If you’re of Asian descent, consider limiting your caffeine intake. Studies have shown that caffeine consumption can cause elevated estrogen levels in Asian women.

The Relationship Between Thyroid Problems, Estrogen and Hair Loss

Interestingly, estrogen dominance can lead to the symptoms of thyroid problems, one of which is hair loss!

What happens is that the liver creates too much thyroid binding globulin (TBG) when estrogen levels are high.

TBG binds the thyroid hormones in the blood, meaning that they can’t be absorbed as needed by the cells in the body that use them to support the body’s metabolism.

The difficulty is that standard blood tests for thyroid conditions don’t show up the problem.

The AMOUNT of thyroid hormone in the blood is just as it should be — but the hormone is being bound by the TBG.

The result is that the symptoms of thyroid problems start to appear.

TBG can, however, be detected with a blood test, so it’s important to bear this in mind and ask to be tested if you feel this may be the problem you’re experiencing.

Estrogen and Hair loss — Your Plan of Action!

  • Have your hormone levels tested, to establish whether you are suffering from low estrogen — or too much estrogen in proportion to progesterone — to ensure you are receiving the appropriate medical treatment.
  • Consider getting your iron levels checked — low iron can also contribute to hair loss.
  • Speak to your doctor about your zinc status — zinc is crucial for healthy hair growth.
  • Use relaxation techniques, yoga, or whatever works for you to keep your stress levels to a minimum.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Enjoy a healthy diet, keeping food sources of estrogen to a minimum if you’re found to have estrogen dominance.
  • Promote a healthy gut with foods like live, natural yogurt which provide ‘good’ bacteria.
  • Exercise regularly, being careful to support your fitness routine with adequate nutrition.
  • Try out new hairstyles to disguise your thinning hair whilst you recover your hormonal balance. You may also want to consider a hair piece or clip-in extensions if your hair loss is very bad, but these should be used with care in order to prevent traction alopecia. You may also like to try using rollers or a hair volumizer, to add lift to your locks, or instantly hide thin patches with a good hair loss concealer.
  • Take extra care in looking after your hair. Use a gentle, nourishing shampoo (we love Bumble and Bumble Gentle Shampoo) to promote good condition and prevent breakage. Try using a silk or satin pillowcase. Avoid harsh styling products and techniques that apply heat to the hair (blow drying, curling irons etc) as these can cause more damage to fragile hair.
  • Try to include ‘hair friendly’ foods in your diet, such as Omega 3 rich salmon and walnuts; beat-carotene rich sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin and spinach (yes, dark green veggies are a good source of beta-carotene too); and foods like eggs (rich in biotin, B6, B12, selenium, zinc and copper), lentils (which are loaded with hair-healthy vitamins and minerals), chicken or turkey (which contain lots of protein, B vitamins and minerals), plus vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables like blueberries, kiwi, strawberries and tomatoes.

We hope that you’ve found this information about estrogen and hair loss helpful — and that it’s helped you more accurately pinpoint what’s causing any problems you may be experiencing, in order to take that first step towards recovery!



Daniel Burlington

I am a hair loss researcher based out of East Yorkshire